Losing Friends in Order to Find Yourself 2

Sometimes it takes losing friends in order to be the best version of yourself. It's not easy, but you have to choose you!

Think about friendships that have fallen apart. I bet that you already had doubts about the friendship! Then something happens where you almost have no choice but to let go...and that's ok!

Often, We Lose Friends that weren't really friends in the first place.

Everything Happens for a Reason

Losing friends can be a good thing.  It can mean that you've grown, that they've changed and you're no longer aligned, and that you don't bring each other the same kind of fun or happiness. The best thing to do is accept it, acknowledge and appreciate the past and move on.

Terrain Map

Learn the Lessons You Can From the Friendship

Each relationship and friendship teaches us something - about life or about ourselves. Recognize the lesson so that you can be wiser the next time.

Be Your Own Friend First

White Bag

Losing friends is hard and hurtful. But always make sure that you are your own best friend first before you chase after someone else!

Upgrade Your Circle

Losing friends is an opportunity to make new ones, or solidify the relationships that are working. 

See More at  The Female Professional