Where to Donate Books: 25 Great Places to Consider

There are tons of options out there to help you pass on the written word. Check out all the ways you can give back to someone in need, and maybe make a difference in their life!

Why You Should Donate Your Used Books

I love donating my used books to people who will appreciate them. It is a great way to share the wealth of literacy!

Ask a librarian for information about what kind of books and conditions they accept books and where to leave your donation.

Where to Donate Books?

The Public Library

Terrain Map

Make your own Little Free Library

Studies have repeatedly shown that books in the hands of children have a meaningful impact on improving literacy. Access to free books is good for everyone!

Books for Africa

White Bag

Books for Africa collects books that are gently used and acceptable for the African Reader to send to communities, schools, and educational centers in Africa that can use these books.

African Library Project

Too many African children grow up without books, while U.S. bookshelves and landfills overflow with books no longer read.

For More Info Visit The Female Professional