26 Cocktail Recipes From Around the World to Make at Home

A big part of traveling is trying food..and drinks! These cocktail recipes can help you recreate an international drink experience!

The full recipe can't be posted here, but we'll go over the speciality cocktails from different regions of the world.  Click to TFP to see details on how to make them!

Did you know local Spaniards don’t drink sangria? They prefer Tinto de Verano, which is “summer red wine.” As the name suggests, it’s a refreshing summer drink that’s super easy to make

Tinto de Verano

Like mulled wine? This version, made mainly in Germany and Austria, translates to “glow wine,” which is exactly how you’ll feel after drinking it outside in the cold.


If you’re planning to visit the country for Macchu Picchu or other bucket list-friendly adventures, add Pisco sours to your to-do list!

Pisco Sour


Cachaça (pronounced cachasa) is the base liquor and is akin to a rum, but instead of molasses-based, it is sugarcane-based. This difference makes it easier to drink and smoother to taste. This refreshing drink is sure to be a hit with friends and family.

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